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Social contribution activities

We are expending never-ending efforts in order to be a corporation that contributes to society.

We are positively engaged in activity taking its importance on social obligation as a corporate citizen as well as contributing to customers’ business development.
We have been making continued efforts to ensure that our plants become rooted in the local communities and develop human resources that can initiate leadership in contributing to society.
Ahresty is committed to growth together with the local communities.

Acceptance of visitors to plants

Acceptance of visitors to plants

We are positively accepting visitors to our plants in order to help stakeholders understand our company’s activities for environmental preservation.

Together with the Community

We visit houses, residents’ associations, and companies located near the plants to speak with the people regularly, using the Ahresty Report. We also take part in crime prevention patrols in communities.

As a Global Corporate Citizen

Ahresty established a U.S. company in 1988. Since then, the Company has established production bases in five countries. In global operations, the Company actively interacts with communities as a community-based company.

Active Contribution to Conservation Activities

Ahresty has helped to reduce the weight of automobiles and provide support for environmental conservation efforts through the manufacturing of aluminum die casting products. The Company is actively involved in conservation activities, responding to input from employees who desire to aid conservation efforts outside work.

Examples of activities

  • Volunteer activities in the Iwaya Ryokuchi
  • Cleaning of the Flower Road and River activitie
  • Voluntary cleaning of nursing homes
  • Red Cross Blood Center Voluntary blood donation
  • Cleaning campaign at Lake Hamana
  • Meeting for appreciating the nature of the Arakawa River and Kumagaya
  • Tenryu River cleaning campaign
  • Umeda River community cleaning campaign

and other activities totaling approximately 80 events

Examples of activities