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Ahresty’s Corporate Philosophy and sustainability

We contribute to the realization of a sustainable society while communicating with stakeholders and fostering relationships of trust

We contribute to the realization of a sustainable society while communicating with stakeholders and fostering relationships of trust

Director and Managing Executive Officer
Chair of Sustainability Meeting

Hideki Nariya

We contribute to the realization of a sustainable society while communicating with stakeholders and fostering relationships of trust


Director and Managing Executive Officer
Chair of Sustainability Meeting

Hideki Nariya

Social Issues Ahresty addresses

Priority tasks

  • Priority tasks
  • Priority tasks

Monitoring tasks

  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Monitoring tasks

Ahresty’s Corporate Philosophy and sustainability

"Research, Service, Technology - We aim to create an affluent society by pursuing and integrating each of these areas.” This is the Ahresty’s Corporate Philosophy, representing also its mission and purpose. Over the years since its founding, under this corporate philosophy, the entire Ahresty Group has worked for the sustainable development of society through business activities such as the provision of a variety of products and services. We believe that we can contribute to solving social issues as a company playing a part in the supply chain for the global automobile industry.

Priority tasks and promotion system

In addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are common goals for the international community, Ahresty evaluated key issues to be addressed (materiality) on two axes of the impact on business and the impact on stakeholders, and has identified“Improve the energy consumption efficiency of vehicles by providing aluminum die-cast products” (Goal 13: mitigating climate change) and “Reduce the use of fossil fuels by improving energy efficiency, etc.” (Goal 7: energy) as the priority tasks. Sustainability is positioned as an important management issue, and various measures to solve the issue are being promoted in conjunction with the goals in the 10-year Business Plan, Medium-Term Management Plan, and other management plans.
The Sustainability Meeting, the sustainability promotion and review organ chaired by the Director in charge of General Administrative Command, started sustainability initiatives with a focus on actions against climate change in FY2020. In response to the recent increase in various social requirements, including not only addressing climate change but also respect for human rights and human capital management, the Chief of Manufacturing Command and General Manager of Human Resources Dept. were added to the members of the Meeting in FY2023 to make the organization a more specialized one. While taking into account the business environment, themembers share information on social issues, analyze risks and opportunities, examine monitoring issues, and confirm the progress and achievement of activities and targets. The contents of the examination and discussions are also reported regularly to the Executive Committee Meeting and the Board of Directors Meeting.

Materiality Matrix for SDGs

Materiality Matrix for SDGs

Sustainability promotion system

Sustainability promotion system


As climate change measures, we promote activities to reduce CO2 emissions during production, etc., and contribute to weight reduction of vehicles through our products in line with our Medium-Term Management Plan. We also identify and survey Scope 3 CO2 emissions. Regarding Scope 3, aluminum ingots, our major material, have significant impact at two stages: the purchase stage (emissions during ingot production) and the use stage after the ingots are installed as automotive parts (emissions during vehicle operation). We therefore believe that we can contribute significantly to mitigating climate change by expanding the range of use of recycled aluminum ingots with low CO2 emissions and increasing the sales ratio of parts for electric vehicles. For humancapital management, each operation site picks up “things that employees value” based on various indicators such as employee satisfaction, and conducts engagement improvement activities that respond to diverse values. As for human rights, we have deployed our established human rights policy to our suppliers in Japan and overseas, and continuously conduct periodic surveys of conflict minerals. We are also working to create an optimal system from a global perspective to promote integrated activities in the Ahresty Group’s supply chain, including our business partners.
We will continue to strive to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society in response to the social issues we must address as a company, while communicating with our stakeholders and fostering relationships of trust.