Ahresty has established the Ahresty Group Human Rights Policy with the deliberation at the Sustainability Meeting and the approval of the President and CEO in order to fulfill our social responsibilities as a company toward “realizing a prosperous society.”
Based on this policy, we will carry out business activities that respect the human rights of all people involved in our business.
Ahresty Group Human Rights Policy
The Ahresty Group aims to realize a prosperous society by pursuing and promoting the integration of Research, Service, Technology. Therefore, we believe it is our responsibility to respect the human rights of all people involved in our business, and hereby establish as our policy to respect human rights the Ahresty Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter “Policy”) based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by the United Nations Human Rights Council.
All business activities of the Ahresty Group will be subject to compliance with this Policy.
1. Scope
This Policy applies to all directors and employees, temporary staff (hereinafter “Employees & Staff”) working at the Ahresty Group. Also all of our business partners including suppliers are expected to understand and support this Policy.
2. Compliance with codes, laws and regulations
We support and respect international human rights codes including the International Bill of Human Rights and The International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
We will comply with the laws and regulations of the countries or regions where we conduct business, and in the event that there is a conflict between the laws and regulations of a country or region and internationally accepted human rights codes, we will strive to respect internationally accepted human rights codes to the extent permissible under the laws and regulations of such country or region.
3. Responsibility to respect human rights
We will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, by not violating the human rights of people who are affected by our business activities, and by taking appropriate corrective actions in the event our business activities negatively affect human rights.
Also in the event a related party within our supply chain is negatively affecting human rights, we will affirmatively encourage such party to respect human rights.
By conducting human rights due diligence which is an activity to identify, avoid, and mitigate negative effects on human rights, we strive to take appropriate remediation and corrective actions in the event it becomes clear that human rights are being negatively affected or such negative situation is being aggravated,
We will educate our Employees & Staff so that they can get familiarized with this Policy.
Also we will disclose our activities regarding respect for human rights and continue dialogue and consultation with our related stakeholders.
Promotion system
Initiative examples
Based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by the United Nations Human Rights Council, we have initiated human rights due diligence that follows a series of processes to assess, prevent, mitigate, monitor, and disclose information on the negative impacts of Ahresty’s business activities on human rights, including its supply chain.
In assessing the negative human rights impacts, we determine the themes to focus on by evaluating the impact of each risk in terms of severity and likelihood of occurrence, based on an overall picture of manifest or potential human rights-related risks.

Thai Ahresty Die certified as a company with Good Labour Practices (GLP)
Thai Ahresty Die was certified as a company with Good Labour Practices (GLP) by the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare of Ayutthaya Province, Thai Ministry of Labour. GLP Guidelines are guidelines for good labor practices to help improve employment and working conditions in Thailand. Thai Ahresty Die was surveyed and evaluated on 11 items, including the labor management system, prohibition of forced labor, working environment for women, wages, and range of benefits, and was certified as a company with good labor practices.