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Diversity & Inclusion

Ahresty believes that when people of different nationalities, ages, and genders play active roles, diverse perspectives and values can be utilized and various innovations can be promoted.

Diversity & Inclusion

As indicated by the fact that our corporate philosophy begins with "Let us take pride in our work," we believe that the evolution and driving force of the Aresty Group is its human resources.
We are promoting various measures to ensure that our employees respect each other's values and continue to be a company that is always active and lively regardless of nationality, age, or gender, and to strengthen our corporate competitiveness by making the most of our diverse human resources, maximizing their individual abilities, and increasing productivity .

Promotion System

Diversity and Inclusion Promotion Office was established in March 2022 as a Organization to drive the realization of diversity by reforming the corporate culture and employee awareness throughout the Ahresty Group.
Diversity and Inclusion Promotion Office consists of members from various departments in the Administration Department, such as Human Resources and Corporate Planning, and the Production Department, such as Safety, Production Plant Environmental Improvement, and Engineering.

Promotion of Women's Activities

In Japan, we are expanding the number of workplaces and job areas where women can plan an active role in manufacturing department where the majority of employees are male, and we are gradually increasing the ratio of female employees through strategic recruitment activities mainly by hiring new graduates and training female leaders,

Promotion of Women's Activities


01. Expansion of workplaces and work areas

We are improving workplaces so that everyone can be in charge of tasks and occupations that used to be occupied only by men, regardless of gender.

Improvement of high-load work (Ergonomics analysis)We are improving the workplaeces based on the "Ergonomics Evaluation Sheet" to reduce physically demanding tasks.

Improvement of high-load work

Worker satisfaction with major improvements averaged 4.2*Worker satisfaction evaluation criteria: Interviews with workers after improvement implementation
5 points: very much better than before, 4 points: better than before,
3: Somewhat better than before and acceptable, 2: Not better, 1: Not better at all

Expansion of the number of workplaces(positions) for womenBy improving the workplaces(positions), which were mainly assigned to men, to focus on the environment, we have made it possible for women to be assigned to those workplaces. We have improved by 76 % (447 workplaces of 598 workplaces)

  • Expansion of the number of workplaces(positions) for women
  • Expansion of the number of workplaces(positions) for women
02.Increase ratio of female employees

We have been strengthening the recruitment of women among new graduates in Ahresty group in Japan, and have been increasing the ratio of female recruits every year.

Increase ratio of female employees
03. Women's Leadership Development

We are promoting the development of female leaders so that Ahresty can be a workplace where women can play an active role more than ever before.

Establishment of D&I CommunityIn December 2023, Ahresty established the “D&I Community” with the participation of 12 female employees from our operation sites in Japan. Conferences are held to promote understanding of diversity promotion and provide a forum for two-way communication between female employees and the company. Through discussions, issues in career development at the company are identified and solutions thereto are explored from a female perspective.

Granted the highest rank Eruboshi Certification as a women’s empowerment companyAhresty has acquired the highest rank (three-star) Eruboshi Certification from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.

Granted the highest rank Eruboshi Certification as a women’s empowerment company

Employing persons with disabilities

On October 1, 2020, Ahresty established Ahresty Inclusive Service Corporation to promote the recruitment and training of employees with disabilities and create workplaces in which diverse human resources work together. Ahresty Inclusive Service Corporation was certified as a special subsidiary company under the Act to Facilitate the Employment of Persons with Disabilities on June 14, 2021.
I In November 2022, Ahresty Inclusive Service Corporation was certified as an excellent enterprise under the Monisu Certification Program, which certifies small and medium-sized enterprises excelling in the employment of persons with disabilities, run by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Employing persons with disabilities

Flexible work system to achieve work-life balance

We are developing the workplace environment and systems to realize a "work-life balance," a state in which work and life are balanced and both have a positive Environmental Impacts on each other.

Status of System Introduction at Ahresty Group in Japan
◯Introduced in certain Parties and divisions.
ーNot set

Arresti Co.
Sales, Engineering and Administration
Arresti Co.
factory location
Yamagata Co.
Tochigi Co.
Aresty Techno
Service Co.
Arresti Co.
Dymold Hamamatsu
Kumamoto Co.
Flexible working style Remote work (basically up to three times a week)
Flexible work hours
Annual paid leave(one or a half days)
Hourly paid leave
Paid day off for wedding
Menstrual leave
Volunteer Leave
Leave of absence
Special sympathy leave
*Special paid leave due to personal injury or illness
Birthday leave (paid)
Long service leave (paid)
Course system (limited course for workplaces)
Childbirth & Childcare Child nursing care leave (unpaid)
Reducing scheduled working hours for childcare
Maternity leave(spouse)
paternity leave
Nursing care Reducing scheduled working hours for nursing care