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2040 Vision / 10-year Business Plan

Goes “Beyond your Expectations” toward the 100th Anniversary

Ahresty will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2038. To continue to develop and grow beyond the 100th year, we have established the “2040 Vision” to show the direction in which the Ahresty Group should take toward the year 2040, and formulated the “10-year Business Plan” as a long-term management plan based on the Vision. The automotive industry is now undergoing dramatic change. Various changes are progressing rapidly, such as carbon neutrality, electrification of powertrains, and the role of automobiles as mobility. Taking these changes in the external environment as a chance for transformation, the Ahresty Group, whose key business is the automobile-related Die Casting Business, will advance initiatives according to the 2040 Vision and the 10-year Business Plan.

2040 Vision / 10-year Business Plan

2040 Vision

– 2040 Vision: Our direction in view of the 100th anniversary (in 2038)
– 10-year Business Plan: The 2030 milestone toward the 2040 Vision

10-year Business Plan

— Shifting the business portfolio to predominantly parts for electric vehicles and the vehicle body components

Aluminum die casting is a method using aluminum, a highly recyclable material; aluminum die cast products are lightweight with outstanding flexibility of design and productivity. By expanding their application from conventional powertrain components to electric components and the vehicle body components, we believe we can respond to the need for weight reduction for the purpose of improving fuel and electric efficiency and help reduce CO2 emissions, thereby contributing to conservation of the environment and the establishment of a recycling-oriented society for the future global environment. To continue to contribute to the mobility business of automobile manufacturers in the future, Ahresty will respond to the rapidly progressing trend of electrification and shift its Die Casting Business portfolio to mainly parts for electric vehicles and the vehicle body components.

— Develop pioneering technology through continuous research

The driving force for this shift in the business portfolio is our desire to develop pioneering technology as a MONOZUKURI (manufacturing) company. In order to promptly respond to changes in the market and the needs of customers, we will enhance our technology development capabilities by such means as reducing the development lead time through digital transformation of product development, continue to develop pioneering technologies that will contribute to future businesses in the fields of methods, technologies, and materials, and aim to create new demand. Moreover, we will tackle the development of carbon-neutral die casting with net zero CO2 emissions in manufacturing processes, with the aim of contributing to the global environment and also improving our competitiveness.

— Ensure your satisfaction with Ahresty

We aim to obtain a top evaluation from customers, improve employee engagement, and realize diversity. For diversification of executive managers and improvement in the ratio of female employees and managers, we will promote awareness reform to help deepen understanding of diversity & inclusion, increase workplaces where diverse human resources can play an active role, and establish an appropriate human resources strategy and provide support for career formation.

— Achieve sustainable growth by obtaining trust and solving social issues through business activities

Ahresty has held the Sustainability Committee since March 2020 for the purpose of obtaining greater trust from our stakeholders and solving social issues through business activities to achieve sustainable growth. We have set “improvement in the energy consumption efficiency of vehicles by providing aluminum die-cast products” and “reduction in the use of fossil fuel resources by improving energy efficiency” as our priority goals, for which we are promoting sustainability strategies based on materiality analysis. For carbon neutrality, we will promote activities to reduce 50% of CO2 emissions by FY2030 (from the FY2013 level)..

— Strengthening the financial structure and management base

Toward achieving the targets for net sales of 160 billion yen, and operating margin of 6% in FY2030, we will promote measures to improve and strengthen our profit structure and management base from the perspectives of 1) improving the earnings structure (reducing fixed costs); 2) securing profits (cost reduction); and 3) profit management (investment efficiency, etc.) With respect to shareholder return, besides the efforts to strengthen our profit structure, we will work to realize a payout ratio of 35%.
The entire Group will work together to make Ahresty a company that goes beyond the expectations of our stakeholders.

10-year Business Plan KPI Target value (FY2030)
Sales and profits target Net sales 160 billion yen
Operating margin 6%
Electrification of automobiles Sales ratio of electric vehicles components 55%
Improvement in fuel efficiency and electricity costs Sales of vehicle body components 4.0 billion yen
Carbon neutral Reduction of CO2 emissions -50% (vs. FY 2013)
Contribution to customers Customer award Obtain a top evaluation from major customers
Diversity Diversification of executive managers Diversification of General Managers and Executive Officers
(in terms of gender, nationality, job background, age, etc.)
Ratio of female employees (in Japan) 20% or over *FY 2021: 13.5%
Ratio of female managers (in Japan) 10% or over *FY2021: 2.8%