Ahresty Environmental Policy
1. We are well aware that our activities of development, production, sales, and disposal are related to and influence the global environment, and we establish the environmental purpose, goal, and implementation plan, revise them as necessary, and constantly strive for improvement in our environmental conservation activities.
2. We observe environmental regulations, rules, and agreements of national and local governments, stakeholders etc., and establish our own standards within a feasible technical and economical range, and strive for further environmental preservation.
3. We give special priority to the following aspects and make efforts to protect the environment and prevent pollution.
(1)We thoroughly manage and constantly improve the facilities and processes related to air pollution and water contamination.
(2)We maintain a 100% recycle rate in regard to waste materials.
(3)We promote the reduction of the total amount of waste materials, the expansion of aluminum recycling business, and contribute to recycling-oriented society.
(4)We work to prevent global warming,focusing on reducing CO2 emissions through the use of renewable energy and improvement of energy efficiency with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality.
(5)We aim to develop and design environmentally friendly products and commodities.
4. We constantly stimulate awareness for environmental issues among our employees with respect to environmental protection by means of providing training as well as internally communicating the policy.
5. We enhance a harmonious relationship with society by striving toward environmental conservation of the local community.
~We disclose this environmental policy both inside and outside the Group.~
ISO14001:2015 Certification

Registered client:
Ahresty Corporation
Tokyo Head Office, Tokai Plant, Kumagaya Plant, Head Office and Technical Center, Tokai Plant Hamamatsu, Tokai Plant Hamakita, Tokai Plant Higashimikata, Tokai Plant Toyohashi, Ahresty Tochigi Corporation, Ahresty Kumamoto Corporation, Ahresty Yamagata Corporation, Ahresty Die Mold Hamamatsu Corporation(Hamamatsu Plant), Ahresty Techno Service Corporation
Scope of Registration:
1.Manufacturing of Pressure Die Castings, Gravity Die Castings and Secondary Aluminum Alloy Ingots.
2.Design, Development and Manufacturing of Special Purpose Machines and Peripheral units for Die Castings.
3.Design, Development and Manufacturing of Dies for Die Castings.
4.Design, Development and Manufacturing of Building Materials, Free Access Floor Panels.
Ahresty Green Convention
Ahresty Green Convention is an assembly for reporting on actual environmental improvement activities.
Effective activities reported in the Convention are introduced to other business offices in a horizontal manner, and the Convention also serves as a useful opportunity for communication.

Ahresty eco License
Ahresty has established the Ahresty eco License, a unique internal examination system, to improve its employees’ awareness of the environment. The examination is offered several times every year. Almost 80% of the employees have passed the examination to date, and they undertake their daily business activities with a higher level of environmental awareness.